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GWN 7 Interview

GWN 7 Interview

Here it is, the Bickers family on TV promoting, and the goals of the publishing company, that aims to plant trees for carbon sequestration and invest on green energy projects like molten salt power plants which can bring you and I base load power 24/7. Especially in a country where the line “I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains,” rings true.

We can’t be complacenent and think that government will fix all our problems, and that is where social entrepreneurial type enterprises like ours can come in and fill the void. We realize everybody is busy in todays modern world so would it be great if you could buy an item that fulfilled three needs at once.

That is Entertain our children, Eductate our children and help fight climate change by sequestering carbon and removing the need to release more carbon than can be sequestered into the atomosphere. The fourth part is to bring the products to you at a price that is the same as the rest of the market, not at a premium.

That’s us that’s what we want to do and our initial book is “Farmer George’s Busy Morning” it fullfills all these goals and we have set to make our promise of sequestering carbon early by planting 1000 trees. Check out the YouTube Video.How to Plant 1000 Trees

These lofty ideals can only be achieved if you buy our products and if you like them tell everyone about them either by word of mouth or by like share etc on social media.

So here is the Bickers Family on GWN 7 News being interviewed by Jess Keily. We would also like to say thankyou to GWN 7 and Jess for their support.

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