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Farmer George’s Busy Morning the Movie You Tube Premier

Farmer George’s Busy Morning the Movie You Tube Premier

We have just finished and released “Farmer George’s Busy Morning The Movie“. Which is an accompaniment to the book.

This has taken some time to make. I have been trying to capture all the elements of the book in footage for children to be able to look at the book and see the real animals and people the book was based on. It is a great learning tool for those children in the city or country to join the dots from the cartoon style Farmer George to real world food production.

Farmer George in the movie is 20 years older than when we bought the farm. He is 72 in the movie, his hair used to have substantially more red colour in it.

A younger Farmer George and his red beard.

A younger Farmer George and his red beard.

He loved farming and all the fun things that went along with it and the hard work and everyday problem solving that needed to be done.

The movie is 3 minutes of content plus credits, it is set to one of Dads favourite types of music “Celtic”.

Happy watching

All the Best

Kurt and Clare Bickers

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